Wednesday, April 14, 2010


WHO HAS THE PROBLEM . . . ok, have you ever noticed that when someone, especially a girl, starts to lose weight (and I’m talking about a girl who is already pretty much in shape i.e. maybe a size 6-8 dropping to a 0-4 range), that all the people who really could use a week-long, brisk stroll on a treadmill begin to develop “concerns” and theories:

Ex.) Girl drops from a 6 to a 2, and she looks really good! She walks into work, and as she passes, the 210 pound front desk lady then turns to the 230 pound secretary as they are chatting over their morning donut(s), and whispers, “Poor thing . . . you think she has an eating disorder?” (as she takes another bite of her cream-filled, chocolate-glazed donut) To which her friend replies, “oh, Shirley, I know it’s just so sad . . . sweet girl like that struggling with an eating disorder.” They jointly decide to offer her a donut, but she just came from an hour of hot yoga, and she doesn’t feel like eating a cream-fill, chocolate-glazed fried piece of dough, so she replies, “No I’m fine for now, but thanks!” She walks away and they shake their heads, theory confirmed, look at each other, and simultaneously, their eyes fall on the last donut . . . “want to split it?” they say in unison.

NOW, lets step back a minute . . .
WHO HAS THE PROBLEM?!? Last time I checked, people DIE from morbid obesity! I’m not a specialist on the effects of yoga, cardio, and a healthy diet, but when is the last time you heard “and the cause of death was a low-fat, healthy diet and too much yoga?!?” Sorry I don’t want to stuff a donut into my face after working out for an hour, but SERIOUSLY, WHO HAS THE PROBLEM?!? The person who is working out and eating well in effort to stay in shape, or the person who thinks choosing the “diet” coke to go with the #10 super-sized value meal is a “good” choice? WHO HAS THE PROBLEM?!?

WHY is it acceptable for them to ask if the skinny, fit girl is OK? What would happen if she walked up to them and said, “Are you OK? I’ve noticed that you eat donuts in the morning, wash your cheeseburgers and pizza down with a diet coke at lunch, and I’ve heard you talk about that chunky monkey ice cream you eat at night. Are you OK? Poor thing your clothes look like bed sheets draped over an elephant.”

Donuts, pizza, & clothes that require 15 feet of elastic,
Fit, taking proactive steps for overall health, working out, & enjoying not having a muffin top in a pair of jeans . . .



Ness said...

This is funny stuff, you've got yourself a follower :D

Jzt 4 me... said...

Saw ur link at Coffee Shop...Good post..but the font size a bit small...

Do visit my blog and comment if if u contains happenings frm my life, good and bad...funny and not so funny...

RantsRaves&Randomness said...
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chestyleroux said...

I hear you, it annoys the hell out of me too even though i could still lose a few pounds- i side with the skinny women on this one. If a woman is really overweight, it's like to be okay with herself she has to make whoever she envies be wrong in some way. So if you're fat, that's ok because skinny women are anorexic. But you shouldn't care because at the end of the day, you look good, and they don't.